mercredi 24 août 2011

An aer­ial view shows the land art instal­la­tion by Pol­ish artist Jaroslaw Koziara as a part of the Land Art Fes­ti­val on the field between Horodyszcze (Poland) and Warez (Ukraine), on Tues­day. The giant fish was cre­ated by seed­ing dif­fer­ent kinds of plants on the field between the Pol­ish and Ukrain­ian bor­der. (Woj­ciech Pacewicz /​ EPA)

An aer­ial view of the land art instal­la­tion by Pol­ish artist Jaroslaw Koziara as a part of the Land Art Fes­ti­val on the field between Horodyszcze (Poland) and Warez (Ukraine), on Tues­day, Aug. 23. The giant fish was cre­ated by seed­ing dif­fer­ent kinds of plants on the field between the Pol­ish and Ukrain­ian bor­der. It in sym­bolic and phys­i­cal ways crosses Schen­gen area towards Ukraine. The art of land is an artis­tic act to show that nature and cul­ture are beyond bor­ders estab­lished by man. (Woj­ciech Pacewicz /​ EPA)

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